As an insurance agent, you have the potential to earn a good income. However, the amount of money you make will depend on a number of factors, including the type of insurance you sell, the company you work for, and the potential for growth in the industry. If you’re thinking about becoming an insurance agent, it’s important to understand the profession before deciding to enter the field. In this blog post, we’ll look at some key factors that will affect how much money you can make as an insurance agent and help you answer the question, “do insurance agents make good money?”
What Does The Future Look Like For The Insurance Industry?
The future looks bright for insurance sales agents. Employment is projected to grow 7.0 percent between 2020 and 2030, and an estimated 35,500 jobs are expected to open up during that time.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics cites several reasons for this growth, including an aging population and an increase in the number of self-employed workers. Insurance sales agents play a vital role in helping people protect themselves and their businesses, and this demand is only expected to increase in the coming years.
With a positive job outlook and good earning potential, insurance sales agents are well-positioned to enjoy success in the years to come. (Source)
How Do Insurance Agents Make Their Money?
Insurance agents typically receive a commission when they sell insurance, but the amount of commission can vary depending on the type of insurance and the company that the agent works for. For example, agents who work for captive insurance companies (companies that only sell their own products) usually receive lower commissions than agents who work for independent insurance companies (companies that sell multiple brands of insurance).
In addition to commissions, many insurance agents also receive bonuses and other incentives based on their sales performance. While some agents may only make a salary, most earn a significant portion of their income from commissions and bonuses. As such, their income can fluctuate from year to year, depending on the number and types of policies sold.
Ultimately, insurance agents make money by selling insurance policies to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. The amount of money they make depends on the types of policies sold, and the commissions received.
How Much Money Can You Make Selling Insurance?
Selling insurance is a great way to earn a living. You can set your own hours, work from home, and sell as much or as little as you want. There’s no limit to how much you can make selling insurance, but the average income for a life insurance agent is $79,730 a year. To be successful in this business, you need to be passionate and committed to putting in the extra work. However, once everything is up and running, you can earn substantial profit margins.
Most industry experts report that they made between $1,000 and $20,000 when starting out and rapidly scaled up to six figures per month. If you’re looking for a way to make good money without sacrificing your lifestyle, then selling insurance may be the right career for you.
What Role Does Experience Play?
When it comes to having a successful career in insurance, experience is not always necessary. In fact, many of the most successful insurance professionals are those who have started their careers with little to no experience. I will teach you industry secrets that will help you be successful too. With the right attitude and a willingness to learn, you can achieve success in this rewarding field.
Where To Begin Your Insurance Career?
When you are looking for an insurance company to work for, it is important that you choose one that best suits your needs and interests. When you partner with the Build With Shawn Shannon Team, you’ll find that you are joining an industry-leading team.
With our help, you can take control of your future, build a successful business that meets your needs, and find financial security.
- You can work from anywhere you want.
- Earn an income without the hassle of a 9-5 job.
- You’ll never have to commute again.
- Make a real difference in someone’s life.
- Spend more time with your family.
- Live the life you want to live.
- Your family will be taken care of.
- Have a sense of control over your life again.
In Closing: The Insurance Industry Is Waiting For You
Do insurance agents make good money? The amount of money you can make as an insurance agent depends on a number of factors. If you’re thinking about becoming an agent, it’s important to do your research and understand the potential earnings you can achieve in the profession. With the right focus and effort, you can be successful in the insurance industry and earn a good income. Are you ready to become an insurance agent?
A lucrative career awaits- are you ready to get started? Book a call today.